RateFilings.com is now part of SNL Financial

  • April 16, 2015
  • Written By Scott Knight
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Dear Valued Client:
We’re pleased to announce that SNL Financial has acquired RateFilings.com. SNL is a leading provider of breaking news, comprehensive data and expert analysis on more than 6,500 public companies and 50,000 private companies in critical business sectors, including insurance. This new combination brings together two companies with a combined history of over 35 years in the insurance industry, and common commitments to accurate data and excellent customer service.
Please read the press release.
RateFilings.com clients can expect little change to their existing subscription and service in the short-term. SNL and Perr&Knight will be working together to ensure that the RateFilings.com application will continue to be the premier source for obtaining insurance filings and industry data. As RateFilings.com clients, Perr&Knight’s actuaries and consulting teams are excited about SNL’s strong service, commitment to accurate and timely content and plans to enhance the rate and form filings solution.
SNL will be reaching out to all customers in the upcoming days with more information. In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 310-889-0947 or sales@perrknight.com.
Best Regards,
Tim Perr
Cofounder and CEO