Pricing Services

We help insurance companies develop accurate, appropriate rates. Our pricing services include: competitor rate comparisons, rate development & rate level analysis and rating factor analysis. Our team of consultants also perform rate manual compliance reviews and provide expert rate filing support.

Reserving Services

We provide accurate loss reserve analyses, statements of actuarial opinion, long duration contract unearned premium reserve testing, and meticulous Schedule P preparation and review.

Litigation Support Services

Our team of authoritative actuarial experts can provide compelling expert testimony, accurate estimation of damages and thorough preparation and analysis of evidentiary documents.

Valuation Services

Count on us for stability during changing times. We conduct independent assessments of liabilities, provide accurate calculation and clear explanation of reinsurance impact, and meticulous analyses of the impact brought by operational changes such as mergers and acquisitions.


Our team includes 35+ consulting actuaries and over 100 other insurance industry experts whose skills set ranges from database design to process improvement to product design to compliance. Our team’s lengthy experience, deep industry expertise and clear communication enable us to quickly and efficiently solve your toughest insurance challenge.

Timothy B. Perr, ACAS, MAAA
Dee Dee Mays, FCAS, MAAA
Michael J. Covert, FCAS, MAAA
Karen Barrett Daley, FCAS, MAAA
Denise Farnan, ACAS, MAAA
Michael Goldman, FCAS, MAAA
Kyle M. Hales, ACAS, MAAA
Brett Horoff, ACAS, ASA, MAAA
Charles R. Lenz, ACAS, MAAA
Judith D. Perr, ACAS, MAAA
Daniel F. Baxter, FCAS, MAAA
Cyndi Cooper, ACAS, MAAA
Muhammad A. Fahad, ACAS, MAAA
Gabriel Garcia, ACAS, MAAA
Vincent Ha, FCAS, MAAA
Julie Hall, ACAS, MAAA, CPCU
Mitchell Paden, FCAS, MAAA
Natasha Paz, ACAS, MAAA
TJ Phillips, ACAS, MAAA
Nadia Raynova, ACAS, MAAA
Tyler Reed, ACAS, MAAA, CSPA
Julie Russell, ACAS, MAAA
Casey Tozzi, FCAS, MAAA
Leslie Vernon, FCAS, MAAA
Paul Wolfe, ACAS, MAAA


Whether you are developing a new insurance product, moving to a new software system, or launching an insurtech solution, our experts can help you every step of the way.

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