California Commissioner Orders Premium Refunds in Response to COVID-19

On April 13, 2020, the California Department of Insurance (“CDI”) issued a Bulletin ordering the refund of premium to drivers and businesses affected by the COVID-19 emergency. The implications of the Bulletin are complex and require consideration of various aspects of an insurer’s business model. Perr&Knight is having discussions with the staff at the CDI regarding their expectations for compliance with the Bulletin. We have extensive experience with rate, rule and form filings in California as we submit more filings to the CDI than any other consulting firm and will be assisting insurers with complying with the CDI requirements to ensure that the appropriate adjustments are made for the change in risk and/or reduction in exposure.
The Bulletin requires action of all companies who write the following lines of business in California:

  • Private passenger automobile insurance
  • Commercial automobile insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Commercial multiple peril insurance
  • Commercial liability insurance
  • Medical malpractice insurance
  • Any other line of coverage where the measures of risk have become substantially overstated as a result of the pandemic.

The following is required of each California insurer writing the lines above:

  1. By June 12, 2020, report the following information to the CDI:

a. An explanation and justification for the amount and duration of any premium refund, and how those measures reflect the actual or expected reduction of exposure to loss.

b. Monthly and overall California-specific totals for the following:

i. Percentage of refund applied,
ii. Aggregate premium prior to, and subject to, application of refund,
iii. Aggregate premium refund,
iv. Average premium before and after refund,
v. Average percentage of refund, applied to each policyholder,
vi. Number of in-force policies, and
vii. Number of policyholders receiving refund.

  1. By August 11, 2020:

a. Provide each affected policyholder, if applicable, with a notification of the amount of the refund, a check, premium credit, reduction, return of premium, or other appropriate premium adjustment.

b. Provide an explanation of the basis for the adjustment, including a description of the policy period that was the basis of the premium refund and any changes to the classification or exposure basis of the affected policyholder.

c. Offer each insured the opportunity to provide their individual actual or estimated experience. For automobile policies, this includes an invitation to provide updated mileage estimates as appropriate.

Perr&Knight is available to discuss any questions or unique situations with the CDI on your behalf. We can also provide information on what other companies have done, to the extent this information is publicly available in California or other states. Finally, we can prepare and submit your required report to the California DOI.

We expect that other states may issue similar bulletins. If there is anything that Perr&Knight can do to assist your company in California or any other state, please complete our contact form.

California New Regulations – Filing Required to Remove Gender from Auto Insurance Rates

As you may be aware, the California Department of Insurance (“CDI”) issued regulations prohibiting the use of gender in automobile insurance rates. If insurance companies use gender in determining the rates for personal auto insurance, they will be required to submit a filing removing gender from the company’s class plan by July 1, 2019. The regulations only mention a filing deadline and do not specify a required effective date.
Companies have the option to submit a simplified revenue neutral class plan filing, which is described in Section 2632.11(c)(1) of the regulations. Companies may also comply by submitting a full class plan filing that includes a sequential analysis supporting the proposed changes and compliance with the factor weights. However, this approach has some drawbacks, which may result in most companies choosing the simplified filing approach.
If you need assistance with the class plan filing or have any questions on the new regulations, please let us know. We have discussed the regulations with the Division Chief of the Rate Regulation Branch at the CDI and understand the advantages and disadvantages of the simplified and full class plan filing approaches.
Contact us with any questions on new regulations or if you need assistance with the class plan filing.
Scott Knight
Managing Principal
Chief Sales Officer

Reserving Services for Companies Considering a Change in Actuaries

If your company is contemplating a change in the actuary that issues the Statement of Actuarial Opinion on the company’s reserves, please consider obtaining a quote from Perr&Knight. We are one of the top 10 largest property and casualty actuarial consulting firms in the United States and employ more than 100 insurance professionals, including 25 Fellows and Associates of the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. Our actuaries have experience with nearly all property and casualty and accident and health lines of business.
Perr&Knight provides the following reserving services:

  • Loss reserve analyses;
  • Long duration contract unearned premium reserve testing;
  • Statements of actuarial opinion; and
  • Schedule P preparation/review.

Our actuaries understand that each company has unique characteristics associated with their operations. We work with our clients to obtain a complete understanding of their business so that we can produce the most accurate reserve analysis.
Contact us with any questions about Perr&Knight’s services or if you would like to obtain a quote.
Brett Horoff, ACAS, ASA, MAAA
Principal & Consulting Actuary
Director | Consulting Services

Perr&Knight Recommends Predictive Analytics to Get the Most Out of Your Data

Are you getting the most out of your data? Whether it be in personal lines pricing, commercial lines underwriting, claims handling or fraud detection, your data should be helping you run an efficient, profitable organization. Through predictive analytics and your data, you can gain insights into your business, like:

  • What is the most predictive rating variable?
  • What policy/claim characteristics point to fraud?
  • Which external data can help me better price my risks?
  • On which claims should you place the most experienced claims managers?
  • What variables outside the rating plan are predictive of underwriting results?
  • What variables give insights to reduce litigation expense?

Let Perr&Knight’s Predictive Analytics team help you utilize your data to its fullest potential with our low-cost predictive analytics solutions using cutting edge technology and industry best practices.
Predictive Analytics: Data Science & More
Our data scientists work alongside our actuaries and other insurance experts to provide a tailored business solution. Perr&Knight is one of the top actuarial consulting firms in the United States with expertise spanning all lines of business and U.S. jurisdictions.  Our Predictive Analytics team provides clear solutions using your data along with our industry knowledge to help you stay competitive and profitable.
With new InsurTech products available to the insurance industry, knowing how to integrate these tools into your business takes a specialized skill. Perr&Knight has experience merging new variables with company data and analyzing for insights tailored to your book of business. We work with InsurTech innovators to review predictive models and support insurance applications with regulators.
Let Perr&Knight incorporate big data into your insurance products to help you stay relevant in the ever-changing insurance market. Contact us today to learn more.

Perr&Knight Recommends Compliance Spring Cleaning

Are your operations due for some Spring Cleaning? It’s never a bad time to make sure your insurance operations are in order and ready to face an internal audit or market conduct exam. A little Spring Cleaning, in the form of a compliance audit, can help a company avoid fines, cease and desist actions or even loss of license.

  • Do you record and respond to complaints in the required timeframe?
  • Are your producers properly licensed?
  • Are schedule rating debits and credits sufficiently documented by your underwriters?
  • Do the rates in your system match your filed rates?
  • Are you utilizing approved forms?
  • Are claim files reserved according to established procedures?

We Can Help

Let Perr&Knight’s consulting team help you identify and correct compliance risks. If you’re looking for a full-scale review, our team of regulatory compliance professionals and operational and technology consultants will assess your current operations through a combination of staff interviews and documentation review in each of the NAIC’s seven areas of operation: operations/management, complaint handling, marketing and sales, producer licensing, policyholder service, underwriting and rating, and claims. We’ll draft “as is” process maps that document your current processes and use them to identify compliance risks and process inefficiencies. Then, based on our extensive subjective matter expertise and knowledge of best practices, we’ll draft “to be” process maps with proposed solutions for closing gaps and streamlining processes in a compliant manner. In addition, we can support you as you implement changes to processes.
If you’re looking for a more targeted review to help remedy a risk or compliance gap that you’ve already identified, Perr&Knight can help. Our regulatory compliance consultants can perform a more limited analysis, such as a compliance audit of a single area of operation, a sample file review of claims and/or policies, a rate manual compliance review, a certificate of authority inventory, etc. We will customize our services to meet your needs.

Contact Us

Contact us online or give us a call today to discuss how Perr&Knight can help you!
+1.888.201.5123 ext. 3 //

Virtual Viewpoint: How to Develop a Solid Business Case

Rob Berg, a principal and director of Perr&Knight’s Insurance Technology Group (ITG), recently lent his expertise to by answering the question: “What steps need to be taken to develop a solid business case when business and IT leaders realize new systems are in order?”
Read Rob’s response here to learn which critical questions organizations must ask themselves in order to address the three components of a solid business case.

Big Changes Are Coming to on January 5, 2013

The new features a completely redesigned user interface, which emphasizes ease-of-use and improves the overall user experience. We will continue to make similar improvements and welcome feedback regarding your user experience.
New Competitor Filing apps include Quick View 100 and Hot Filings, both designed to simplify the process of tracking competitor filings. New Product Management apps, including Product Pro Desktop and Product Planner, aid in the product management process. Finally, RateWatch will be updated to deliver reports in html format, replacing pdf downloads.
Beginning January 5, 2013, will be available in Professional, Enterprise and Unlimited Editions. Existing Basic Access users will be subscribed to the Professional Edition, Premier Access users will be subscribed to the Enterprise Edition, and Premier Access Platinum users will be subscribed to the Unlimited Edition.
An updated user manual will be available on the new Support page to help you navigate the new user interface, and for guidance using the various apps and site features. You can also contact us directly from the Support page if you have any questions.
Please join us for a webinar to learn more about these changes. Two dates are available for your convenience:

The Affordable Care Act Presents Tremendous Accident and Health Opportunities for Insurers

The Supreme Court of the United States’ decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act will greatly affect the future of major medical health insurance in this country.  There is tremendous revenue opportunity for insurers in the supplemental health care market in the immediate and long-term future.  For firms considering taking advantage of this growing market, the time to act is now.
Whether you’re in the early stages of exploring the supplemental health care market, you’re interested in what your competition is doing, or you’re planning to update your accident and health (A&H) products to remain competitive, Perr&Knight can help.  We are uniquely qualified and perfectly suited to assist property & casualty (P&C) companies with their supplemental health endeavors.

  • We’re a one-stop shop.  Perr&Knight is the only firm of its kind offering a complete array of actuarial consulting, forms development, competitive intelligence and state filings services in all states and for all supplemental health products.  We can provide assistance to companies throughout the entire product development cycle from competitor/market analysis and initial product pricing all the way to rate, rule and form filing support and product implementation.  We can be ‘plugged’ into any or all components of the product development process to fit your unique needs.
  • Our consultants speak both P&C and A&H.  We understand and can address the unique challenges faced by P&C companies as they enter the supplemental health market, from a lack of in-house expertise to differing terminology to resource constraints.  In addition, because our staff includes both P&C and health consulting actuaries, product design consultants and state filings analysts, we are able to fully support hybrid products containing both P&C and A&H components such as Travel Insurance and Medical Excess Stop Loss.
  • Our experience is wide-ranging, recent and relevant.  We have recently developed and launched several nationwide supplemental health products for our clients including Disability Income, Critical Illness, Major Medical Gap Coverage, Limited Medical Indemnity, Short Term Medical, Travel Accident, and AD&D.  As a result, we’re tuned into the current marketplace and regulatory climate.

For more information, please download the following brochure:
Accident and Health Product Development
Contact Kristy Greco for assistance with your supplemental health products, or any questions you might have.
PHONE: 352.222.0083

The commercial insurance market is hardening. Be prepared.

Evidence shows insurers may not have been properly prepared for our last major hard market, based on the staggering losses companies experienced. Four of the six largest underwriting losses in the history of the U.S. P&C insurance industry occurred during 1999-2002, with cumulative underwriting losses reaching $138 billion.
The commercial insurance market appears to be hardening again. The 2012 Risk and Finance Manager Survey found that nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of survey participants were either seriously or moderately concerned over a hardening P&C insurance market. Another one-third (32 percent) expressed slight concern.
Instead of just being concerned, take action. With the P&C market likely to continue hardening in 2012 and into 2013, it is imperative for insurance companies to stay ahead of the market and proactively manage the rates of their books of business.  Perr&Knight is available and ready to assist with those reviews, as well as the preparation and submission of rate filings.
We take specific interest in commercial analysis, including these lines of business, among others:

  • Commercial Auto
  • Commercial Property (Fire, Allied Lines, and Inland Marine)
  • Commercial Multi-Peril
  • Medical Malpractice
  • General Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Product Liability

Perr&Knight annually submits thousands of filings and is experienced in every line of business and in all states.  We are among the top ten largest P&C actuarial consulting firms in North America, with skilled actuaries available to review program experience, analyze industry trends, recommend changes, and prepare filing packages. We are experts at submitting filings with a proven track record of receiving approvals, even in highly regulated states such as California, Florida, New York, and Washington.
If you’re interested in staying ahead of the market, Perr&Knight can help get you there. For more information, please download the following brochures:

Contact Kristy Greco to get started.
PHONE: 352.222.0083
WEB: Click Here

Ensure Compliance with Florida House Bill 119

On May 4, 2012, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed House Bill 119 into law. The bill, among many things, changes the way accident reports are taken, provides coverage limits, establishes a schedule of maximum charges, creates a list of diagnostic tests deemed not to be medically necessary, and controls attorneys’ fees. These changes impact both personal and commercial personal injury protection and affect insurers by:

  • Requiring all personal auto writers to submit a rate filing by October 1, 2012 and a second filing by January 1, 2014 that reflect the savings as a result of this bill.
  • Requiring commercial auto writers to evaluate the impact of the changes on their book of business and submit a filing if it is determined the filed rates are excessive after considering the impact of the bill.
  • Allowing insurance companies to limit payment effective July 1, 2012, as authorized by the new regulation. To do this, companies must include a notice at the time of policy issuance or renewal and the form must be approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.

The first personal auto rate filing in response to HB119 has already been submitted, as well as multiple personal and commercial auto form filings.  Perr&Knight is actively monitoring filings to keep our clients up to speed on the competitor activity regarding the requirements resulting from HB119. Our Hot Filings Alerts provide that information on an ongoing basis.
If you are interested in obtaining assistance with these required changes, Perr&Knight is the ideal choice to make the process as simple as possible. Perr&Knight has distinguished itself as the only firm of its kind offering a complete array of actuarial consulting, competitive intelligence and regulatory compliance services. Our actuaries’ ability to leverage the knowledge and information available through our companion services distinguishes us from other actuarial firms.
With approximately 30 actuaries including nearly 20 Fellows and Associates of the Casualty Actuarial Society, Perr&Knight is among the top ten largest property & casualty actuarial consulting firms in the United States. Seven of our accredited actuaries are located in our Boca Raton, Florida office, making us the largest property & casualty actuarial consulting firm in the state of Florida. Perr&Knight’s actuaries have supported and submitted hundreds of rate filings for nearly all lines of business in Florida.  We have extensive experience with obtaining approval for Florida auto filings and are already scheduled to work with other Florida auto writers to develop and submit their required changes.
The links below provide additional information about HB119 and the required changes resulting from it.

For more information about how Perr&Knight can help you, please download the following brochures:

Contact Kristy Greco for assistance with the rate review or filing process, and any other questions that you might have.
PHONE: 352.222.0083
WEB: Click Here